Friday, March 20, 2009

In need of new Leadership

Since Mayor William (Bill) Heydt, love him or hate him, the city of Allentown has not had a steady leader in these crucial times. These past 8 years have been critical times for the Lehigh Valley and the city of Allentown. In the past eight years Allentown has had two different mayors who led the same platform that increases crime and lowers education. Mayor Roy Afflerbach was named mayor in 2002 and after four forgettable years, Afflerbach didn't run for another term and was succeed by his partner in crime, you guessed it, Ed Pawlowski.

Since Mayor, Pawlowski loves to claim how he has brought Allentown back to where it used to be. Lets get real, Allentown will NEVER be where it was in the 70's and 80's when the city was a nice clam place to live. But it would be nice to have a mayor who tries instead of just talks out of his ass. Just last week Pawlowski talked to a group of people about how he wants the police crew and the business owners to work together. Funny coming from a man who sends his police to Trinkle's Cafe to harass owner Lauren Markowitz and threaten to shut her down everyday. This is the man who knew NOTHING about Lauren Markowitz and decided to call her a terrible person and criticize her for not having her children in Allentown schools but rather Parkland and also criticized her for living in Fogelsville and not next to her bar. This is called doing the best you can for your family MR. Pawlowski! Why would Lauren put her kids in the joke that is Allentown School District. Since Pawlowski took office, Allen High School has averaged only 60% of students who actually complete high school and graduate. But this man is quick to put down Parkland who had a 98% graduation rate in 2008. What business is it to Pawlowski where Lauren Markowitz sends her kids to high school or where she lives?!?

This has to be an example of horrible politics. How dare a public figure criticize a woman struggling to make ends meat. This is why we need new leadership in Allentown. This is why we need Republican Councilmen Tony Phillips to led us. When Phillips first heard about Laurens situation, he was right there to lend a hand, along with congressmen Charlie Dent (R). I used this example to show the people of Allentown that Phillips will be a mayor who will work for all the people of Allentown and not just the people who kiss his ass like Ed Pawlowski, Allentown's joke of a mayor!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Above the Law?

Allentown's joke of a mayor Ed Pawlowski think he is above the law of Allentown. Today, Ed Pawlowski ordered to shut down Trinkle's Cafe which has been fight to stay open for a long while now. And today, Mayor Ed Pawlowski ordered the Allentown police to close down Trinkle's Cafe. Trinkle's owner Lauren Markowitz later contacted Congressmen Charlie Dent (R) who allowed her to keep her bar open.

Ed Pawlowski today did go against his agree in court with Judge Reedman who said he can't shut Trinkle's down until April. Reedmen also said that he will approve Lauren Markowitz to have her new liquor licence which has turned down by the liquor control board.

This is a sad situation for a good citizen of the Lehigh Valley, Lauren Markowitz who dos her best to support her family. This is sad because if Lauren supported Pawlowski in 2005 when he was campaigning she would have no problem. Just goes to show, anybody in Allentown who kisses Pawlowski's fat ASS will get what they want!

VOTE Tony Phillips for mayor 2009!